Resettlement Assistance Program2024-01-13T16:11:24-04:00

Newcomer Connections

Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP)

The complexities of the journey of a Government Assisted Refugee (GAR) can be overwhelming. Our RAP team supports the GAR families in their settlement journey in southwestern New Brunswick, assisting them with their immediate needs to help them transition into their new lives.

For more than 30 years, the Newcomer Connections at the YMCA of Southwestern New Brunswick has partnered with the Canadian government to administer the Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP) in Saint John.

The Resettlement Assistance Program is a six to eight week program that provides a range of immediate essential services to Government Assisted Refugees (GARs) for which the federal government has undertaken a financial commitment.

Resettlement Assistance Program services at Newcomer Connections include, but are not limited to:

  • Reception at the airport
  • Arranging temporary and permanent accommodations
  • Information and orientation
  • Needs assessments and referrals to appropriate supports and services in the community
  • Life skills training
  • Support services for higher-needs individuals

Through this program, our team welcomes and helps resettle approximately 300 GARs each year. There are many challenges for refugees trying to adjust to a new life here. Our RAP team helps GARs make those adjustments by linking them to local, provincial and federal services, such as using transportation systems, children’s school registration, shopping, Medicare and health, housing, government financial programs, etc.

Following this transition, our team at Newcomer Connections provides a wide range of longer-term support services to all immigrants (including refugees), including life skills training, settlement counselling, employment and language classes, computer literacy, and volunteer opportunities.

Support us

You can support us in helping Government Assisted Refugees in the following ways.

Become a First Friend to them

Donate to our furniture bank

Donate to the Newcomer Assistance Fund

Why not read our latest Y Stories

From Kabul to Canada: Zaman’s Journey of Resilience and Belonging with the YMCA

From Kabul to Canada: Zaman’s Journey of Resilience and Belonging with the YMCA Arriving in a new country as a refugee is a journey filled with challenges—new languages, unfamiliar customs, and opportunities that often feel just out

Additional Resources

Visit these websites to learn more about Refugee Sponsorship Programs and refugee protection

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)

IRCC is the Federal Ministry that facilitates the arrival of immigrants, provides protection to refugees, and offers programming to help newcomers settle in Canada.

Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR)

The CCR is a national non-profit umbrella organization committed to the rights and protection of refugees and other vulnerable migrants in Canada and around the world.

Rainbow Railroad

Rainbow Railroad is a global not-for-profit organization based in the United States and Canada that helps at-risk LGBTQI+ people facing violence and oppression get to safety worldwide.

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