Our team offers pre-employment services to help you set up an employment action plan and gather the resources you need to start your job search journey. We use a unique combination of assessment tools and counselling to help you better understand yourself and guide you in making changes in your life, or in choosing a meaningful career.
Our services include:
- Job Exploration and Job Search Strategies
- Workplace Readiness
- Counselling (Resume and Cover Letter writing)
- Interview Preparation
- Referrals to community resources to help you ignite your potential.
Our pre-employment services are open to both permanent and temporary residents.
You can meet our team online or in person at Saint John Regional Y or the Irving Oil Field House.
Note: If this is your first meeting with the Employment Liaison, please ensure that you complete the Pre-Employment Services Intake Form before scheduling an appointment.
Get started today!
Contact Us
For more information about our programs, reach out to us at newcomeremployment@saintjohny.ca