Employment Training Programs2024-01-13T18:41:46-04:00

Newcomer Connections

Employment Training Programs

Employment Language Training Programs provide you with job-specific, advanced-level English training to help increase your qualifications, communication skills and confidence. These programs are designed to lead to employment and increase your ability to keep jobs in Canada.

Employment Training Programs at Newcomer Connections help newcomers prepare for their first job in southwestern New Brunswick. There are three elements to the programs: employment language training, employment preparation training and employer contact.

Sector Specific Employment Language Training Programs

Sector Specific Employment Language Training (SSELT) programs offer newcomers the opportunity to build their language skills and prepare for the workplace. Each program focuses on a different sector so that you can get the specific language and training you need to succeed.

SSELT programs are offered in a classroom-based format at UNB Annex A/B. The programs are usually eight to 12 weeks in length and are typically offered every day, Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The blended format may be delivered in person or virtually, and virtual courses can be taken from anywhere in Southwestern New Brunswick. Courses are delivered in sectors that cover a variety of occupations, including:

  • Hospitality
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Landscaping
  • Customer Service
  • Health Sciences
  • Child Care
  • Facility maintenance and housekeeping

Pathways to Employment Programs

Pathways to Employment programs offer short-term courses that allow you to learn the language to achieve certifications and programs such as

  • Driver’s Permit Written Test
  • Food Safety Certificate
  • English Language tests (IELTS and CELPIP)
  • First Aid and Occupational Health and Safety Certificate

Our Employment programs are delivered in a variety of formats to suit any schedule.

Who is this for

Our Employment Training Programs are for you if live in Southwestern New Brunswick and:

  • you are a newcomer to Canada and currently a permanent resident or a temporary resident.
  • you have an intermediate or advanced English language proficiency with at least level 4 in Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB). Check out the individual language requirements in the courses.
  • you are looking to improve your language skills or proficiency to continue working in your profession or a related field.

Upcoming Employment Training Programs

Skills Launch Program

Pre-employment Services

Employer Support

Contact Us

For more information, email us at newcomeremployment@saintjohny.ca.

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