Newcomer Connections

Atlantic Immigration Program

The Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) is a pathway to permanent residence for skilled foreign workers and international graduates from a Canadian institution who want to work and live in the Atlantic provinces. We are authorized and ready to help employers navigate the AIP system and continue to grow our local population.

Start your journey with AIP. Reach out to us at

The Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) is a pathway to permanent residence for skilled foreign workers and international graduates from a Canadian institution who want to work and live in the Atlantic provinces. The program helps employers hire qualified candidates for jobs they haven’t been able to fill locally.

Under the AIP, employers are encouraged to connect new employees and their families with local settlement services in order to promote their ultimate retention in the Atlantic provinces.

We’ve been serving newcomers for more than 30 years. We house the largest settlement team in the region, with more than 80 staff from around the globe. We are authorized and ready to help employers navigate the new AIP system and continue to grow our local population.

If you are applying for your designation

Step 1: Contact Newcomer Connections to learn about available settlement services and begin the process. You will see ‘Collaboration with a settlement service provider’ in the Employer Designation Application Form as one of requirements. You can reach out to us at

Step 2: Register for onboarding training at the IRCC website and register for Newcomer Connections intercultural competency training by contacting us at

If you are already a designated employer and your potential employee(s) needs a settlement plan:

Step 3: Provide your candidate(s) an offer of employment (IMM0157E) and a copy of a confirmation of the Designation Letter.

Step 4: Refer candidate(s) to register with our team for a settlement plan.

Step 5: (optional) Become a pioneer for inclusivity and embrace diversity at your workplace by receiving support around hiring, onboarding, and retention of newcomers through the [NEC] program. Reach out to us to us at

Important Note: Potential employers and employees must be mindful that other requirements need to be met as part of candidates’ application for immigration under this program. Visit Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for these details.

AIP Settlement Plan.

If you are an applicant or an employer looking to refer a PR applicant for a settlement plan under AIP visit this page.


For more information about the Atlantic Immigration Program and assistance with the procedures, please visit the following links

AIP – New Brunswick Employer Designation Guidelines

All employers designated under the pilot (AIPP) are required to be re-designated under the permanent program.

Intercultural Competency Training

All employers require mandatory intercultural competency training, prior to endorsement, unless the employer is deemed by the province to be exempt from the training.

Onboarding Training

Under AIP, all designated employers are required to complete mandatory onboarding training provided by the federal Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

Atlantic Immigration Program Designation Process

Read the detailed process and apply through the online portal on the Government of New Brunswick’s website.

New Brunswick Employer Designation Application Form

A fillable Designation application form will be provided to eligible employers once the Expression of Interest is reviewed by the Province. This is a sample fillable form.

Offer of Employment to a Foreign National form

After you receive your AIP designation, you will be required to provide your candidate(s) with an offer of employment (IMM0157E) and a copy of a confirmation of the Designation Letter.

Contact Us

For more information, reach out to our settlement advisor at

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