Supporting Camp Glenburn into the Future

Since 1928, Camp Glenburn has been empowering youth through outdoor education, creativity, leadership and skill development. The camp has been a treasured memory for everyone who has attended over the past 95 years. It is non-denominational and open to everyone.

Camp Glenburn is an important asset of the YMCA of Southwestern New Brunswick and committed to keeping Camp Glenburn operational for years to come.

The YMCA of Southwestern New Brunswick Endowment has established two funds specifically for Camp Glenburn. The establishment of these two funds will secure the future of Camp Glenburn and its positive impact on the lives of youth.

Camp Glenburn Rentals

The Camp Glenburn Innovation and Capital Fund

This fund will ensure the long-term sustainability of not only the facility but invest in further development and innovation.

Funds raised through the Camp Glenburn Innovation and Capital Fund will support:

  • Extraordinary renovations or construction
  • Enhancement projects to Camp Glenburn
  • Program innovation
  • Increasing the capacity of facilities and programs
  • Capital asset preservation
  • Purchase of additional property
  • Increase shoulder season opportunities
  • Continue to build environmental sustainability

The Camp Glenburn Camper Sponsorship Fund

This will ensure that Camp Glenburn is accessible for all children and youth for future generations to come.

Funds raised through the Camp Glenburn Camp Sponsorship Fund will support:

  • Expanding camper sponsorship numbers
  • Extend to offering 10 weeks of summer camp
  • School field trip sponsorship
  • Leadership program development

*The Glenburn Camper Sponsorship Fund must grow to a minimum of $25,000 in capital before any disbursements will be approved. The annual investment income from the fund will be available for disbursement on an annual basis to support youth attending camp.