YMCA Peace Week 2024

What is Peace Week?

In keeping with this year’s International Day of Peace theme of “Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #GlobalGoals,” YMCA Peace Week 2023 focuses on the call to action that recognizes our individual and collective responsibility to foster peace. The goal is that this year’s theme continues to inspire our work throughout the year.

Peace is more than the absence of violence and conflict. Peace is the ongoing work of building and rebuilding conditions of fairness, inclusion, empathy, security, and respect for diversity.

YMCA Peace Week is celebrated the third week of November (November 19 – 25) to recognize the work that happens year-round to build peace in our communities, both inside and outside the YMCA.

At the YMCA, we are committed to doing this work as a healthy community cannot exist without the presence of peace for all.

We invite you to join us in embodying the values of PEACE through your daily actions. Together, we can build a better Canada.

Peace is an active state of being, not a passive one. Together, let’s Build community. Act for Peace.

The values of PEACE:

P = Participation – getting involved and encouraging others to get involved in community-building activities
E = Empathy – listening and understanding diverse perspectives to create a sense of belonging for all
A = Advocacy – making the case for positive change in the community
C = Community – building and strengthening community connections and capacity
E = Empowerment – inspiring others to foster peace and helping them gain the skills and tools to succeed

YMCA Peace Medals

Each year, YMCAs across Canada celebrate acts of peace by recognizing individuals and groups who, without any special resources, status, wealth or position, have demonstrated a commitment to building peace within their community or communities elsewhere in the world. During YMCA Peace Week, which will take place from November 16-23, 2024, local peacemakers will receive special recognition and a medal at Peace Medal ceremonies across Canada. Peacemakers are selected through a nomination process. To nominate a Peacemaker, please review the selection principles and complete the enclosed nomination form.

“…Peace has many dimensions. It is not only a state of relationships among nations. We cannot expect to live in a world of peace if we are unable to live in peace with those close to us – even those who differ from us….The responsibility for peace begins with each person, in relationship with family and friends, and extends to community life and national activities…”
                                     YMCA Statement of Peace, World Alliance of YMCAs, 1981

Nomination Guidelines

  • Nominations should focus on activities that have taken place within the last two years
  • YMCA staff members are not eligible for nomination
  • Professionals who are paid to do peacemaking work are not eligible for nomination
  • Self-nominations will not be considered

Deadline: Submit your nominations by October 25, 2024

2024 Peace Medal Recipient: Kathy Dumouchel

Past Peace Medal Recipients

2023 Peace Medal Recipient: Cindy Floyd

2023 Peace Medal Recipient: Song Kim