Summer Day Camps | Forest Glen Community Centre

Our Forest Glen Community Centre is conveniently located in East Saint John, just off of Rothesay Avenue, inside of a great school with a very supportive staff. This Day Camp location features a gymnasium, playground, ballfields, and campers will enjoy weekly field trips.

Your camper will enjoy traditional camp adventures and age-appropriate activities led by our qualified staff. You may enjoy gym games, sports, arts and crafts, swimming, out trips, theme days, and more!


  • Junior Adventure (ages 5 – 7): weekly, starting June 26 and ending August 30
  • Senior Adventure (ages 8 – 12): weekly, starting June 26 and ending August 30

Cost: $166.86 | $133.48 on short weeks due to holidays (Canada Day on July 1, New Brunswick Day on August 5)
*Week 1: $100.11 (3-day week)

Join us for a week of baking treats. We will take a trip to the grocery store and collect all the ingredients we need to bake up a storm. Taste testing and food relay races in the summer sun are just a few ways we will have fun. We will end the week with a bake sale for all campers and proceeds will go to the charity of the children’s choice.

Ages: 5 – 12


  • Week #4: July 15 – July 19

Cost: $185.40

Whether it’s the role of the dice or scoring the winning goal, campers will engage in friendly competions through sports, board games and team challenges.

Ages: 5 – 12


  • Week #1: June 26 – 28

Cost: $111.24 (3-day week)

“I choose you” to come and spend a week trying to catch em all. This week you will become a Pokemon trainer! Collect badges by making crafts, going on outdoor adventures and more!

Ages: 5 – 12


  • Week #7: August 6 – 9 (Short week due to the holiday)

Cost: $148.32

Calling all magical friends! Once you have received your acceptance letter, you’ll jump right into the Y’s magical world of Harry Potter themed activities and adventures. We will spend the week making potions, creating our own book of spells, learning how to play Quidditch, and more!

Ages: 5 – 12


  • Week #3: July 8 to July 12

Cost: $185.40

Do you love all things LEGO? Come join us for a LEGO filled week with building competitions, imaginative fun and the ability to build, build, build. Campers work together as young Mayors to plan, build and govern the city of their dreams where EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!

Ages: 5 – 12


  • Week #8: August 12 – August 16

Cost: $185.40

Join us for a week of NERF action! During this intensive training, both physical and technical, you will face presision and speed challenges while accomplishing fun missions outdoors!

Ages: 5 – 12


  • Week #10: August 26 – 30

Cost: $185.40

This camp will leave you feeling refreshed after a week of fun art projects, DIY’s, dancing, music and much more! Build friendships while doing things you love and making memories to last a lifetime.

Ages: 5 – 12


  • Week #6: July 29 to August 2

Cost: $185.40

Calling all trailblazers! Take the road less traveled and join us for a week of hiking, fort building, creating with nature and much more!

Ages: 5 – 12


  • Week #2: July 2 to July 5 (Short week due to holiday).

Cost: $148.32

Egg drops, ramps, projectile science, explosions and more! Welcome to an incredible week of science experiments, challenges, ingenuity!

Ages: 5 – 12


  • Week #9: August 19 to August 23

Cost: $185.40

SPLASH into a week of water fun! Join us for a fun-filled week of water wars, silly water games, a trip to the beach and much more. Make sure to pack your swim wear and extra clothing every day.

Ages: 5 – 12


  • Week #5: July 22 to July 26

Cost: $185.40

Register for Day Camps

Click the button below to sign up for summer day camps. Campers must have completed Kindergarten in order to register.

Contact Us

651 Westmorland Road
Saint John, NB E2J 2H3

Site Supervisor: Heather Oldfield, Child Care Supervisor
+1-506-658-2816 |